Swarnbindu Prashan Camp4

Swarnabindu Prashana Camp was organised on 24th March 2021 in Bala Roga OPD of Faculty of Medical Sciences at SGT Ayurvedic Hopsital, Budhera Gaon, Badli Road, Gurugram. Swarnaprashana is a type of Samskara  done in which Gold based preparation is given through oral route, found more effective on Pushyanuga Nakshatra. Immediately after birth, in Lehana gold is given along with various herbal drugs for procuring better Agni (digestive power and metabolism), Medha(intellect),Varna (color and complexion), Ayu (lifespan) etc. It can be given upto 16 years of age. It is mentioned that, if it would be regularly taken for 6 months, memory of child would be improved like Shrutadhar (who remembers whatever he/she hear).  It improves physical health, immunity and enhance intellectual and cognitive qualities. 51 children were registered and took Swarnabindu . Improvement in Physical and mental health was found in follow up children. Next Swarnbindu Prasahan is scheduled on 21st April 2021 at Faculty of Indian Medical System, SGT Ayurvedic Hospital, Budhera, Badli Road, Haryana

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