Samskrit Day 2021

World Sanskrit Day or Sanskrit Diwas is popularly known as Vishvasamskritadinam. It is celebrated on Shravana Purnima, which is the full moon day in the month of Shravana of Indian Calendar.

Sanskrit is often referred to as a language of great importance and is made of the words sáṃ, meaning together, good, well, perfected, and kṛta, meaning made, formed and work. Hence Samskrit connotes something that is well-formed or perfected.

Department of Ayurveda Samhita & Siddhant, SGT University, is all set to celebrate “Samskrit Day-2021” through a Webinar on . . . . . . “Relevance of Samskrit in Ayurveda” at Cisco Webex. The event would be graced by the esteemed presence of Prof.(Dr.) Baldev Kumar, Honourable Vice Chancellor, SKAU, Haryana with his presidential address. An eminent speaker, Dr. Vikas Bhardwaj, Assistant Professor in the Department of Samhita Siddhant and Sanskrit at Saraswati Ayurveda Hospital & Medical College Mohali, Punjab would be delivering a talk on the theme on 25th August 2021.

Please save the date as 25th August 2021 & reserve the time from 11.00 a.m. onwards to join us through the following Link:

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