Author: SGTU_ImS_webteam

In the series of web lectures, Faculty of Indian Medical System Organized lecture on DRAVYASOOKTHA, by renowned Ayurveda Physicians, Prof. 
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In the series of web lectures, Faculty of Indian Medical System Organizes online webex lecture on Wednesday, 10th June, 2020 
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Yoga – A science without medicine but works as medicine. SGT University initiates a live webinar on ‘BOOST IMMUNITY THROUGH 
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In the series of web lectures, Faculty of Indian Medical System Organizes online webex lecture on Wednesday, 3rd June,2020 from 
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Yoga and Ayurveda always work best together. SGT University initiates a live webinar on ‘Ayurveda and Yoga – The Future 
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Faculty of Indian Medical System, SGT University organizes a live webinar on “Rasayana: The secrets of Immunity” on May 27,2020 
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Faculty of Indian medical system started Ayush kvatha (to boost immunity) distribution at SGT Ayurveda Hospital from 25-05-2020. It is 
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“Women is the ultimate strength and support behind the success of every Individual & within her is the power to 
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Dhanwantari Ayurveda Association FIMS organized the Skill Development Programme, entitled as “Ayurveda in general practice” on 07-03-2020 at 1:45 PM 
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“Every battle is won before it’s ever fought” The strategy, planning and preparedness are the deciding factors in any battle. 
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